Basic course for a new works council
The new works council has just been chosen and immediately there is a lot to attend to. Therefore, make a kick start with our basic course for the starting works council. This Works Council training includes everything you need at the beginning: the WOR (Dutch Works Councils Act), tips for effective meetings and communication, choosing priorities and dividing tasks, working with the director, communication with your constituents and team building.
For whom?
Works councils that have just been established or just chosen. Not all works council members need to be new. The knowledge and experience of the experienced members can be utilized during this training.
Topics training for Works Council
- WOR Crash Course with rights and obligations of the Works Council (with practical cases)
- Discover each other’s qualities and social style with fun exercises
- Get helpful tips for effective meetings and practice decision making with your own subjects
- Establishing OR priorities, making arrangements for collaboration and sharing tasks
- Collaborate with the director
- Communication with the employees
- Team building
Possibilities training for Works Council
- This two-day basic course can be tailormade for your works council. You can add relevant topics and themes to this WoCo-training
- You can also follow our one-day basic course or the two-day course on two separate days
- You can invite the director to discuss mutual expectations and priorities. For example, at the end of the first day with drinks and dinner afterwards
- After this OR start training, we would like to make a plan for further development and training of your works council
- You can use our WoCo-development tools such as our drives or teamrole test ‘the Soccertest’
Unique locations WoCo-training
This basic course for the works council is given on one of our unique islands or in a special location near you or online. You head back as a stronger team.

Other works councils also viewed
- Basic Course WOR (1 day)
- Team building with the works council
- Goal getting in the works council (with team roles)
More information WoCo-training
Would you like to know more about our highly valued training for works councils? Send us an mail. Then we will send you a proposal. You can also contact one of our OR trainers at +31 6 30 95 86 61 for more information. We will gladly inform you and send you an appropriate proposal within 24 hours.
Send me a proposal >

- "Very nice, instructive and especially fun (Amac)"
- "Great environment and very relevant cases (Canon Europe)"
- "Constructive talk with our director thanks to preparation with the trainer (Unesco IHE) "
- "Actions that we can apply immediately! (Fairphone)"